We currently host dance weekends in the Spring every year, and in the Fall in in some years.  Email cdsspgh@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list. 


Past Pitt’s Maggot (and earlier) Weekends. 

The Pitt’s Maggot name started with the Spring in 2014.

April 5-7 2024 Pitt’s Maggot.  Mae Wilson calling to Hijinks.

April 14-16 2023 Pitt’s Maggot 2023 Melissa Running with Dave Wiesler, Eric Martin  Carrie Rose.

April 1-3, 2022   Pitt’s Maggot 2022 with Joanna Reiner and Goldcrest

Pitt’s Online Maggot 04/10-11/2021.   dance with Joanna Reiner Wilkinson & a musician’s workshop with Rachel Bell.  

Pitt’s Maggot 2020  with Joseph Pimentel and Goldcrest cancelled due to the pandemic.

Sept 2019            Anna Rain & Gaye Fifer   Anna Patton, Eric Martin, Owen Morrison

April 2019          Gene Murrow                  Goldcrest

April 2018           David Millstone               Bare Necessities

Oct. 2017            Joanna Reiner                 Bare Necessities

Spring 2017        Susan Kevra                     Maivish

Oct.   2016          Melissa Running                  Alchemy

Spring  2016       Bruce Hamilton                  Bare Necessities

Oct.  2015           Joseph Pimental              Goldcrest

Spring  2015       Gene Morrow                    Amarillis Augmented

Fall 2014             Brooke Friendly               Roguery

Spring 2014        Allison Thompson & Gaye Fifer           The Flying Romanos

Fall 2013             Sue Dupre                                       Joyful Noise

Spring 2013        Jaqueline Schwab           Bare Necessities

Fall 2012             Joseph Pimentel              Goldcrest

Spring 2012        Jacqueline Schwab         Bare Necessities

FALL 2011           Bruce Hamilton               Foxfire

Spring 2011        Joanna Reiner                  Amarillis + Two of Diamonds (Jane Austen Ball)

Fall 2010             NONE

Spring 2010        Jacqueline Schwab         Bare Necessities


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